Beguines were popular before Marguerite Perret published a book entitled Mayor of Simple Souls .

Theories. Churches also charged for weddings, baptisms and other religious services. As an academic area of study that is based upon certain theories and ideas that aid scholars in their work. The celebrations around Holy Days, like Easter or Candlemas, were also financed by ordinary people. One of these concepts that is the most important one is the notion of cultural construct , which is the belief that a lot of influential cultural and social traits are not inherent , but made by humans. While nobles contributed to church however they were not able to bear the whole cost of supporting these events.

In other words, from a viewpoint of the study of culture, things like gender, race or disability do not exist as such, but rather are ideas or concepts that people have constructed to define their communities or cultures. They also paid for indulgences which led to dispute. This isn’t to say that there exist no biological differences between men and women or that there don’t exist variations in skin pigmentation instead, it means that, outside of social structures such things don’t have any significance. An indulgence was a gift bought by the Catholic Church that could reduce the duration of Purgatory. Another key theory of cultural studies is hegemony which is the term that refers to the dominance or authority a certain cultural group has over other cultures.

As per the Catholic doctrine, once someone dies in the grave, they go to Purgatory. In the United States, the hegemonic culture is one that is governed mostly by white people, and is one that caters to, or represents, the majority of people, instead of taking into account diversity to better reflect the nation’s people. They have to wait at Purgatory for a set period as determined by the crimes they had committed in their time of life. In the field of culture studies the concept of hegemony is an important theory to study how dominant cultures impact other groups, specifically when it comes to defining identities or adhering to social rules.

Then , they went to Heaven through indulgences, which allowed them to skip the waiting period in Purgatory. Both theories are essential to the field however there are various models and ideas that are used to guide the field of cultural studies. Catholic Heretical Sects: Many times these theories, they overlap or take concepts from other disciplines, however they’re generally focused on studying how people create cultural identity and how this affects individuals. Catholics believe that certain communities who were practicing religions that did not conform to their understanding of the Bible were in error. Methodology. These groups were known as Heretical Sects, and many were followers of a different type of Christianity. Contrary to the sciences or medicine, where researchers employ rigorously controlled and well-designed methods for collecting information the field of cultural studies tends to utilize more flexible and free-form approaches.

Let’s examine the Beguines. In the majority of cases those who study culture tend to employ qualitative research methods in which they are more interested in understanding the reasons why certain things happen, or in answering questions, not gathering huge amounts of information. Their version of Catholicism was not much different from that of their predecessors however it was thought to be a heretical religion. For instance, instead of just wanting to find out how many people were affected by the same incident, which is quantified qualitative methods focus more on the reasons for the event and what it meant for those who witnessed it.

Beguines. Since researchers generally collect data in order to understand the cultural context, they can employ specific historical techniques such as hermeneutics to uncover the past. Women who led their lives for other people. Hermeneutics is a form qualitative method that relies on the study or interpretation of significant literary texts in order to better understand a specific society or culture. Their communities were scattered, and in disarray till the beginning of the 13th century, which is when their leader, the French King Louis IX built them beguinages.

Though it was initially utilized to study specific religious texts but the technique has been extended to other literary texts that are not confined to religions. Beguinages were governed essays by different rules according to their location. In the field of qualitative research, you can find numerous methods (ethnography and action-oriented research observational, etc.) which can be employed. Contrary to Nuns they could join or leave the Beguinages as they wanted.

Whatever method is employed to collect information from a viewpoint of cultural studies the objective is to discover what the issue can affect individuals or groups of people in a particular culture. Additionally they could also keep their personal possessions. Lesson Summary. Beguines were popular before Marguerite Perret published a book entitled Mayor of Simple Souls . Let’s review.

The book didn’t go over well due to the fact that Perrot was an asian woman. The field was born out of England in the late 1960s, cultural studies was an academic discipline that is interdisciplinarity research that draws upon other disciplines, including Anthropology, history as well as political sciences. She was found guilty and burned to death because she was the first woman to write the book. The purpose of the field of studying culture studies is examine and study how culture is created and evolve through time.

We don’t have any information on whether Perret is a beguine, however, the court records state she was. At the beginning of the field’s development there were many scholars who contributed their important contributions to the rapidly growing field However, Stuart Hall is widely recognized as being the most influential person in the study of culture. Fig 3: Beguine Woman. As an academic field the study of culture is based on some crucial theories and concepts to guide research, like the concept of cultural construct and the concept of the hegemony . The Catholic Church was against them due to the fact that they did not have the permission of the pope, and they weren’t an abbey. In order to make these theories the basis for studies, academics apply qualitative research methods, like hermeneutics , which focuses on the study or interpretation of significant literary texts in order to better understand a specific society or culture. The Beguines continued to practice their religion, but they changed their names to Tertiary.

They also analyse and collect data which inform their research. The Beguines had a better chance of success than other sects that were heretical. Learning Results. For instance, the Cathars were destroyed during the crusades via genocide.

After you’ve finished watching the video lessons, take the time to do: The life style of the Beguine was a second option for women, who were restricted in their living a socially acceptable way. Definition of cultural studies. Women during the Medieval Ages could become nuns or be married. Explanation of some of the theories that cultural studies is based on . Nuns weren’t usually part of society in the secular sense and were not allowed to live in their homes. Define the methods employed in studies of culture.

Nuns could reside in their homes, in the event that they decided to go home whenever they liked, and weren’t required to get married. To gain access to this lesson, you need to be an Member. Influence of Christianity on Medieval Europe. Register your account. The Catholic Church had a great deal of influence in Western Medieval Europe because the Pope was regarded as a direct connection to God. Cultural Studies Defined.

If a noble or King was in opposition to The Pope, Cardinals, or Bishops or Cardinals, they could be threatened with excommunication. Many of us find that there’s a moment in our learning that we’re exposed to a particular theory or concept and everything is brought to life.

Beguines were popular before Marguerite Perret published a book entitled Mayor of Simple Souls .

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