Accessing Docker Swarm Secrets From Asp Net Core

Hope you learned something from this post and know where to start looking for optimizations. If you’re reading this post you most likely have read about the HttpClient, HttpClientFactory, whether you should reuse the HttpClient or not. HttpClient is the standard way to make API calls in .NET Core so most people are familiar with it. If you code async/await wrong your app will most likely suck no matter what.

asp net core memory usage each request docker

Due to the fact that the firewall rules were not in place, the database deployment would have failed. If that is the case, then you will have to conduct a work around to get the database updated. So at this point everything went according to plan, your deployment may succeed.

I just changed the message the application responds with and pushed the modifications to the master branch. This should trigger the build and redeploy of the container. Let’s slightly modify the application and push the modifications. This should trigger the auto build and auto redeploy of the container and without us doing anything, the modifications should be live. Because we setup the image based on the GitHub repository and we checked the AUTOREDEPLOY option, every time we will push on the master branch of the repository, the entire system will update itself. We will create a service based on the image we just created.

Logger Initialization In Program Cs

I do believe there are some practises that are generally more accepted , but it’s really hard to know the “best” configuration values for the rest. Some API’s are very dependent on other API’s and some are very CPU intense. They all behave slightly different and I think this is why it’s hard to find a single “best” configuration for the ThreadPool for example. Remember you can always scale horizontally by increasing the number of replicas to handle more traffic. Now i’ve gone through some detail regarding memory and ThreadPool.

To get a better understanding at how I should intepret the data I read through .NET Memory Performance Analysis. It’s focused on PerfView, but the gained knowledge can also be used while reading the data in other tools. We will try to deal with these aspects in future articles, but for now we created a very simple CI/CD workflow using GitHub, Docker Cloud and an Azure VM. The only custom settings will be to enable the AUTOREDEPLOY option and to specify the port to be 80 on the machine. Since 1.0.1 is the latest stable version, we will use it as example for this application. We will create a GitHub repository that we will use to create a Docker image and push it to Docker Hub.

These are free clusters that are provisioned to you for an hour. Alas, this is unlikely to be enough time to provision anything meaningful without prior experience of managing a cluster. Next, use perf In the analysis container CPU Occupation problem . Basically Customer,CustomerCache,Processor The memory consumption caused by these objects is too high . A million objects , It’s big and small 94byte, Use gcroot Command to view the roots of several objects . Utilize syncblk Command to find the thread that actually holds the exclusive lock .

We noticed that the process of a new API was consuming more memory compared to other processes. At first, we didn’t think much of it and we assumed it was normal because asp net usage this API receives a lot of requests. At the end of the day, the API almost tripled its memory consumption and at this time we started thinking that we had a memory leak.

Once the settings are done, continue with the next steps on the installation wizard and finish the install. Install Docker for Windows by running the installation file downloaded from the stable channel and following all the default prompts as indicated in the Docker installation wizard. The call stack of this thread follows the 300 More information than more , You can see it through DiagScenarioController.DeadlockFunc Medium Monitor.Enter Method to get some object I have to lock it . While this leak was obvious, I still felt a little bit overwhelmed with all the data.

This lead me into removing all in-memory caches and reading about how the Garbage Collection works. Workstation GC made the application be much more conservative in terms of memory usage, and decreased the average from ~600 MB to ~ MB. The suggestion was to switch from Server GC to Workstation GC, which optimizes for lower memory usage.

Your Job Is Not To Write Code

After you click Save and Build the image building will start on the machine you provided. After the command above successfully executed and you refreshed your Docker Cloud tab, you should see your newly created node. After the deployment succeeds, we will need to open some ports on that VM so the Docker Cloud self discovery service can work.

  • It feels like you are running applications in an environment that was not explicitly designed to host containers.
  • [[email protected] Diagnostic_scenarios_sample_debug_target]# docker build -t dumptest .
  • You’ll notice in the snippet above, the URL of the Seq server is hard-coded.
  • You need to play detective to find out what might be wrong.
  • It supports the same structured logging APIs, and receives log events from the ASP.NET Core framework class libraries, but adds a stack of features that make it a more appealing choice for some kinds of apps and environments.
  • The first thing you’ll notice about the log output we’ve seen so far is that it’s very verbose.

Once the service is running you can use rolling upgrades to push new versions without downtime, though be aware that upgrading requires you to change the version number on your container image tag. If you tag your images with “latest” then service fabric does not download them when you run an update. Kubernetes runs the applications in Docker images, and with Docker the container receives the memory limit through the –memory flag of the docker run command. So I was wondering that maybe Kubernetes is not passing in any memory limit, and the .NET process thinks that the machine has a lot of available memory. The fastest way to look into a memory leak is to create a dump file of the process in production. There’s no need to try to reproduce the problem because you can access all the data you need.

I’ll try to field questions about the contents of this post here, but for general Serilog help, Stack Overflow’s serilog tag is the place to go. If you haven’t used Serilog much, the README in the Serilog GitHub project is a useful starting point, with links to wiki pages, discussion channels, etc. In Program.cs, we used Serilog’s Log class directly to write events like Starting up. This works well in ASP.NET Core apps, and I encourage you to use standard Serilog interfaces like Log, ILogger, and LogContext if they meet your needs. If you do need JSON configuration support, Serilog has this covered with Serilog.Settings.Configuration and the “Serilog” section.

Troubleshooting Deployment Issues

I tend not to want request logging for static files, so I add UseSerilogRequestLogging() later in the pipeline, as shown above. I work at Datalust on Seq, which is a self-hosted, web-based log server that works nicely with ASP.NET Core and Serilog. We’ll use that in the remaining examples, but you should pick the log server that your company uses in production, if that’s something else. These options suit many environments, but the syntactically-noisy JSON output doesn’t make for good blog post examples, and isn’t the nicest format to use without further tools. Be warned that Service Fabric can be mysterious to the uninitiated and it takes time to deciphering some of the error messages. For instance, the frequently encountered “Partition is below target replica or instance count” error can mean an unhandled exception in service start-up, a configuration error, or an environment problem such as a lack of disc space.

asp net core memory usage each request docker

All we’re now dependent upon is having an environment variable, SEQ_URL in this case, set correctly in production. This doesn’t scale well to large amounts of configuration (that’s why Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration, and appSettings.json, exist), but for the handful of settings needed to get logging bootstrapped, it’s perfect. Serilog is an alternative logging implementation that plugs into ASP.NET Core. It supports the same structured logging APIs, and receives log events from the ASP.NET Core framework class libraries, but adds a stack of features that make it a more appealing choice for some kinds of apps and environments. The act of publishing your application is relatively simple due to the magic of PowerShell. You will be expected to have a certificate installed locally and this credential needs to be specified in the Cloud.xml settings file in the Service Fabric project.

Running docker images should show you the newly created image containing your application and its dependencies . The first thing you’ll notice about the log output we’ve seen so far is that it’s very verbose. The ASP.NET Core framework writes events that describe its internal processes when routing and handling a request. We don’t usually want this level of detail for application diagnostics.

Be careful how you configure your dependency injection container. Make sure scoped services are scoped and singletons are singletons. Otherwise unnecessary objects might be created as your traffic increases.

Helpful Cluster Api Commands For Devs

Service Fabric projects typically use services hosted by the Service Fabric runtime and are dependent on APIs defined in the Service Fabric SDK. There are two GC modes, “Workstation mode” and “Server mode”. Server mode is the default for ASP.NET and assumes your process is the most demanding one running on the machine (which clearly isn’t a good assumption in k8s, there can be hundreds on containers running).

Setting Up The Deployment Configuration

This ends up being a bad idea in a Docker containers because any one who can do an inspect can see the secrets. Docker Swarm introduced Secrets in version 1.13, which enables your share secrets across the cluster securely and only with the containers that need access to them. The secrets are encrypted during transit and at rest which makes them a great way to distribute connection strings, passwords, certs or any other sensitive information. Set Environment variables Set the edit environment variables and link your service to other existing services in Docker Cloud.

Best Practices For Setting Up Azure Devops Projects With Git

Last week it finally happened, I saw my first memory leak in production – that I know of – and over time it was eating up all the memory. Throughout my career, I’ve been warned, and I’ve warned about these leaks and why it’s so important to release unmanaged resources with the Dispose method. One of the most exciting features in the new version of Entity Framework (Entity Framework Core 1.0) is the addition of an in-memory data provider.

When you’re working in a .NET environment this usually means looking at the metrics in Application Insights. You can even create alerts to be notified when there are abnormalities. This checks to see if the directory exists and if it does checks for a file with a given key. Finally, if that key exists as a file then reads the value. In the Get method, the Include method explicitly tells Entity Framework Core to load the User’s Posts along with their other details. Entity Framework Core is smart enough to understand that the UserId field on the Post model represents a foreign key relationship between Users and Posts.

Setting Up Serilog In Asp Net Core 3

When the cause is found, you can fix it locally and verify the fix locally. Resource governance in Service Fabric is used to control the “noisy neighbour” problem of services that consume too many resources and starve other services. You can set policies that restrict the resources that a container can use, mainly around CPU and memory usage. This is similar to the resource limits that you can request for containers in Kubernetes.

However, I did experience some failure at first, and there are some reasons for that, but essentially the bottom line is that deploying to the Azure container service is still a work in progress. If you notice earlier, the Azure App Service deployment had the ‘Preview’ label printed on it, so we should expect that a few kinks are still being worked on. Nevertheless, let’s see how we can fix some of the possible deployment issues. In the section above the App Service Plan is configured on the ‘West US’, thus ideally every other item in the deployment configuration should also be configured in that same location. This may not be always what you want to do, but in this specific instance, this is the desired configuration output. However, I will not dive into the inner workings of the actual sample project in this document since it is not as relevant to the deployment piece.

Some things were left-over refactoring from moving into k8s. I thought this could be a reason why we had such a high memory usage. Remember that k8s and containers is a very resource limited environment since a lot of containers are running there and they share physical memory and CPU. At work we are running several ASP.NET Core APIs on the hosted version of Kubernetes in the Google Cloud (GCE—Google Container Engine). In almost all of our components we noticed that they had unreasonably high memory usage. The resource limit for memory was set to 500MB, and still, many of our—relatively small—APIs were constantly being restarted by Kubernetes due to exceeding the memory limit.

Building Twelve Factor Apps With Net Core

Let’s face it – you wouldn’t choose Service Fabric as a container orchestrator unless you had to. It feels like you are running applications in an environment that was not explicitly designed to host containers. Sure, it works, but getting there takes more effort than it ought to. Choose a Server Name and fill out the rest of the inputs, make sure you use strong credentials for your server configuration. Your configuration for SQL Server and the databases should now be ready to be created.

We didn’t want a dozen log events per request, but chances are, we’ll need to know what requests the app is handling in order to do most diagnostic analysis. Logs are an important interface to your application; they’re the “developer interface”, alongside the user interface, “data interface”, or programming interface. Just as we strive to create beautiful and functional pages, SQL schemas, or APIs, we should take ownership of our application’s log output and ensure it’s both usable and efficient.

Accessing Docker Swarm Secrets From Asp Net Core

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